
Coding For Online Success

SEO Book Training Program!


Aaron Wall originally wrote the SEO Book, which is/was a great eBook on how to become more successful in the Search Engine Marketing world. I am a fan of his product, and do appreciate his suggestions and advice. I’ve used many of the techniques listed in that eBook. Aaron has fallen off of my radar the last year or so, but I recently listened to webmaster radio with Shoemoney, and Aaron was the guest. It was great to hear that he’s working on a new project.. or program. He’s moving away from the eBook system, and going with a online training system.

I’m a big fan of these online community training program sites. To me, the wealth of knowledge that can be found on these sites is incredible. My first training site that I became involved in was Wealthy Affiliate. The community found there and the resources available totally justify the monthly costs. I’ll be writing a post about Wealthy Affiliate in the near future. For now, I recently signed up to Aaron Wall’s SEO Book Training Program and I’m super excited to participate in the program.

On his web site there is a good video tour of features and areas. I’m supre into the training modules and forum. Very cool.

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