Over the last few months, I’ve been working on improving my Twitter presence. This includes my hanjicode (Twitter Profile) as well as other Twitter profiles. Twitter is a very powerful tool to reach out to many individuals, as long as you have targeted followers. Let me say that again, as long as you have TARGETED followers.
I primarily say this because, if you have followers and they’re no way related to your profile, you will not be able to attract them to offers or to your sites. They won’t care and eventually unfollow you anyway. If you have targeted followers, they’re more likely to see what you have to say and follow some of your links, etc.
Here is a graph from TwitterCounter showing my followers from the last 3 months
The large spikes are directly related to my BirdFeeder integration. I wrote a review about BirdFeeder recently, and I can’t say enough about how powerful this tool is. It is truly a great tool, and obviously gets the work done. As I mentioned in the BirdFeeder review, this is not just a ‘follow’ tool, but a tool designed to follow targeted tweeters, based off of search criteria or individuals.