
Coding For Online Success

eBay Affiliate Tracking Issues?


So, while monitoring the forums, there has been a wave of reports of massive dropped sales/commissions for some eBay affiliates. I remember experiencing this a earlier this year, which spanned for a few months. eBay was able to ‘make good’, which is nice, but it’s an uneasy feeling, especially if you’re buying traffic with PPC. As for me, my sales are down in comparison to money spent on PPC, so I would say that I’m experiencing a dip.

There are a few good threads discussing this.
eBay Forum :: “Anyone else experienced considerable drop in sales recently?”
Digital Point Forum :: “Commissions Plummeted

This is a great case for not putting all of your eggs into one basket. Personally, I feel that I’ve been a little heavy in the eBay game, and this just another reason to diversify a bit. Also, the eBay Affiliate Forum talks about coding errors (specifically with SID in BANS and potentially a space after the PID). I believe you will need to urlencode() your SID value or you will encounter problems.

The eBay Affilate Forum makes it sound like everything is fine with a few cases of coding errors on the affilate eBay store front, but seems like there might be a tracking issue happening. Let’s hope not, the last time sucked pretty hard.

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