
Coding For Online Success

EPN change to RSS


So I mentioned earlier that BANS users were experiencing problems at the same time of my issues with dynamic RSS search results. It also appears that some phpBayPro users as well as a few other EPN scripts are experiencing issues. On the EPN board ‘casey’ replied with the following statement in a thread where individuals were trying to debug the issue:

Hi everyone,

We’d like to thank you for your patience through the recent change made to the RSS Feed links that has impacted some of you, and apologize for the delayed response on the boards as well as the lack of a proactive message to announce this change. There was some miscommunication here on when this change was planned to roll out. Essentially we updated the links in the RSS Feeds to reflect the new link generator structure which we implemented a while back. This new link structure includes added parameters that we plan to use for some optimization initiatives to further enhance our tools and most importantly help generate higher earnings for our partners.

We believe the third party tools being used to publish content from the ePN RSS Feeds will update as necessary, if not already, to account for this new link structure and direct users to the correct pages on eBay. Also, as recommended by others in this thread it’s a good idea to consult the resources available through these third parties for further assistance. Please note that there are no issues with the RSS Feed URLs and links when taken directly from the publisher interface.

Thanks again for your patience,


You can read the full thread here. So it definitely looks like there are some serious backend changes in the works. I’ll be slowly (or quickly depending on when they enforce the change) converting my rover links to follow these new variables.  The BANS issue may have been related to urlencoding, not sure.

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