
Coding For Online Success

EPN Migration – the saga continues


I initially migrated two sites over to EPN on the 1st, and I’ve been waiting to see earnings before making any other moves. I also wanted to make sure that clicks and impressions were working as expected. Early on, I thought my clicks were down considerably, but after a few days, I think they’re fairly accurate. This afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to see commissions in my earnings column!

One thing to understand when migrating, is that the new EPN cookie is different than the CJ cookie. So you’re basically starting over with tracking. So expect to see commissions 3-7 days after migrating the site. Also, you still might see commissions and ACRUs in CJ after the migration, since these are different cookies. People are freaking out, and if you just settle down and think about this.. it makes sense.

Items to note:
EditorKit variables are different and need to be changes. I mentioned this here :: EPN EditorKit Transition

RSS Feeds
Make sure you include customid, also if you’re using RSS to generate your links, make sure you change afcj to afepn as well as saaff=afepn.

Remember to go slow on the migration. “Inspect what you expect” is a good saying here. If you get a campaign migrated, verify it is tracking (Can take up to three hours to see impressions / clicks). Move in segments. Prioritize your sites. Maybe hold off on your big earner until the end. Make sure you have a plan and checklist to make things efficient. I’m also taking this time to add Privacy Policies to sites that have AdSense to comply with their latest TOS.

I’ve also been hearing about people not getting approved. I continue to see mention that you can contact eBay EPN with your site PIDs and AffiliateID at CJ and they’ll take a closer look. It’s important to not be bitchy and annoying, but persistent and consistent. I think if you want it bad enough, you’ll get approved. Try to talk to someone at eBay that can communicate the problem, and to possibly offer solutions.

Good luck everyone!


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