
Coding For Online Success

November 14, 2007
by admin

My Halloween Failure

So we’re about half way through November, and I’m slightly disappointed about the initial numbers. I think we’ll finish strong at the end of the month, but the beginning, and a big part of it is the Halloween hangover syndrome. This is where buyers need to take a break after the busy Halloween push.

But what I wanted to talk about was my personal experience with Halloween marketing. I’ve been getting further and further in the PPC arena, and thought Halloween would be a fun one to do some testing. Over the last couple of months, my PPC capaigns have been showing good profits, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to spend and learn.

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October 5, 2007
by admin

Using Google Alerts

Today I want to talk about a tip that you don’t see discussed too often. That is the use of Google Alerts. If you’re building a blog or store front and working for a niche, Google Alerts can be a handy tool to help give you content to write about!

As we know content is very important to get that needed organic search traffic, but coming up with content is not the easiest thing to do at times, especially if you’re super busy. It’s hard to feel the pulse of a certain niche you’re working in, even if that niche is something that you’re very interested in, etc.

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October 4, 2007
by admin

Paging eBay RSS results

Here is a an extremely simple way of returning a RSS result from eBay and splitting it up into pages. Some people don’t want to show 100 results, at a time, but also not be limited to show 10 results, etc. If this is the case, then paging is the key.

I’ll break my examples into pieces, and at the end offer the completed script so you can see it all in one piece.

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